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Dancing Deeper Still is a sourcebook on Contact Improvisation. This compilation of 30 years of writings is meant to accompany and support your investigation as you discover new pathways and dynamics in your dancing. It includes chapters on:

  •       Contact Improvisation in performance
  •       Boundaries and sexuality
  •       Political activism
  •       Dancing while aging
  •       Expanded teaching research notes
  •       Advanced skills

Whether you are the improviser who savors the slow rivers of sensation…or who delights in spontaneous acrobatics…or any of the bountiful realms in between, this book was written for you. 

Get your paperback or Ebook here

Humble Brag Ahead

It feels good to make a difference.

Last week I facilitated a Contact Improvisation workshop with 22 of Colombia’s foremost dance teachers, choreographers and dance academics, by invitation of the Ministry of Culture.

This was one of the biggest challenges of my 34 years of teaching. These were Colombia’s most Continue reading

Music at Jams

Many years ago I put out the call for words of advice for musicians at jams. This is one of the best writings to come back. I’m afraid I don’t remember who wrote it. (If you wrote it please let me know so I can give you credit)

Improvised Music at Contact Improvisation Jams

Yes, I am a contact improvisation dancer and a musician. The keyword here is “sensitivity“. Continue reading

Old Growth: A Meditation on Dancing and Aging

I used to roar into the dance studio and begin by jumping off the walls – becoming sweaty and energetic and frothy. Then I would slow down and shift into sensation. Now, as I’m in my 50’s, I slide into the studio and start slow, steeping in the ale and gradually working up to the froth.

The words “young” and “old” have never made sense to me. But I appreciate now the notion of aging, of time passing and changes in the body and outlook. Continue reading